We want to be more than a place for you to go on Sundays. We want to minister to you, and in turn, provide you with opportunities to minister to others. Please feel free to explore all the ministry opportunities we offer and don't be afraid to get involved! Come we welcome you.
The Brotherhood seeks to provide opportunities for men to develop friendships with each other, encourage one another to a deeper walk with God and minister in Christ's name to the needs of our church and community. Brotherhood meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 7 pm. We have fellowship as we share a potluck meal, discuss projects, & have a Bible devotion.
Women On Mission
It is the vision of Women On Mission, W.O.M., to stimulate women’s hunger and thirst for God, deepening their relationship and their commitment to Jesus Christ, our Savior. Through Bible study, prayer, service, and missions, women become equipped to use their God-given gifts and talents to make an impact on their world. W.O.M. meets @ T-bones in Evans each month. Call the office for date and time. They discuss projects, W.O.M. fundraising events, general business, & have fellowship and prayer.